TQ Live! presents a queer evening of dazzling performance, dance, poetry, comedy, resplendent fantasies, music, and more. This seventh installment of the annual performance series features artists and performers from the many LGBTQIA communities in the Pittsburgh region. Co-hosted by Joseph Hall and Duane Binion, this year’s line-up includes performances by The Dragon Sisters (NYC), SUPA’ NxC, Drake Phouasavanh, Jasmine Hearn, Remy Black, Samira Mendoza, Sensual Asexual, The Childlike Empress, Caleb Gonzales, and sarah huny young, with video portraits from the series “Life is Drag”,by Rachel Rampleman (NYC). TQ Live! 2021 is produced by Scott Andrew, Joseph Hall, and Suzie Silver with guest curator sarah huny young, and is co-presented by Carnegie Museum of Art.
When: August 27, 2021 at 7–11pm
Where: Carnegie Museum of Art, Sculpture Courtyard