Political Science / Global Studies Artist Residency


The Political Science Department, Global Studies Center, and Studio Arts Department invite undergraduate students pursuing degrees (majors, minors, certificates) in Studio Arts, Political Science, and/or Global Studies to apply for this experiential learning program. Two artists-in-residence will be selected to create works of art for exhibition in the Political Science Department and the Global Studies Center. Material funding (up to $800) will be available, and selected artists will receive a $500 award upon project completion.

Theme: Global Appalachia

Oil painting of three miners in front of a dark backdrop of a mining town
"Coal Miners" (1936) by Harry Sternberg, Color Lithograph, Philadelphia Museum of Art


"Global Appalachia" captures the interplay among the deeply rooted socio-political processes, practices, and traditions of the Appalachian region and its dynamic connections to the broader world. While Appalachia is often seen as a place defined by its distinctive geography, history, and culture, “Global Appalachia” highlights how the region transcends those boundaries through global influences, migrations, and shared struggles. Indeed, it invites research, reflection on, and resistance to static interpretations of the region and its people.

How are Appalachian communities shaped by global political trends, economic forces, environmental challenges, and cultural exchanges? How do they, in turn, shape such processes? How can stereotypes of Appalachia be reimagined as part of larger, interconnected global narratives? Whether examining coal miners’ solidarity with workers abroad, the impact of decisions by distant policymakers on the health and wellbeing of Appalachian communities, how global trade networks impact Appalachian industries, the effects of migration on complex and shifting conceptions of regional identity, or shared environmental challenges faced by mountain communities worldwide, "Global Appalachia" illuminates the region as simultaneously unique (reflecting a confluence of historically and culturally specific constellations of processes) and universal (alluding to shared human experiences with unequal power relations, organization, mobilization, resistance, survival, and meaning-making).

“Global Appalachia” celebrates cultural hybridity, amplifies underrepresented voices, and challenges narrow definitions of identity to show how Appalachia’s stories resonate globally.


  • Application opens: March 01, 2025
  • Info session at the UAG: March 18, 2025 at 11:00am
  • Application deadline: March 31, 2025
  • Application review by committee: Early April, 2025
  • Awardees notified: ~April 20, 2025
  • Consultation period: September-October 2025
  • Artwork completion: Between Fall break and Winter break 2025
  • Presentation and Unveiling: First week of Spring semester 2026


  • Register for SA 1902 Directed Research for one (1) elective credit in Studio Arts, and for PS 1902 Directed Reading for one (1) credit in Political Science for the Fall term 2025, and completing Dietrich School academic internship requirements. The complexity of the project and/or larger body of work, as well as its placement, will be determined with consultation from Political Science, Global Studies, and Studio Arts faculty and staff who will mentor on the project.
  • Schedule a meeting with mentoring Political Science, Global Studies, and Studio Arts faculty and staff by September 1, 2025, to establish parameters for regular schedule of meetings and goals for project completion by the end of Winter break 2025.
  • Engage with Political Science, Global Studies, and Studio Arts faculty and staff mentors throughout Fall term 2025 to explore crossovers in Political Science, Global Studies, and Studio Arts research relevant to the theme and engage with relevant programming (e.g., classes, reading groups, speakers, site visits). 
  • Although selected artists-in-residence should produce distinct artworks, they are also strongly encouraged to consult with one another on interpretations of the program theme. 
  • Work closely with a Film and Media Studies intern, who will document the program themes and artistic process. 
  • Develop and produce unique artwork in response to Political Science and Global Studies research with consistent progress, while meeting regularly for feedback from mentoring faculty.
  • Unveil and present about the themes of produced artworks and grant the Political Science Department and Global Studies Center the right to exhibit them for up to two years in a location TBD (in consultation with the artists and facilities staff).

Application Requirements

Please submit the following materials before Monday, March 31, 2025, by 5:00 pm:

  • Complete the online form.
  • Upload the required supporting documents:
    • A two-page proposal that articulates anticipated creative work linked to PS, GSC, and SA research. 
    • A one-page budget that estimates material, as well as presentation expenses (maximum of $800). Selected artists-in-residence are encouraged to also use the free resources of Pitt’s Center for Creativity
    • Contact information for a faculty member that can speak to the applicant’s potential to successfully complete the program and is aware of that applicant's interest.
    • A current resume.
    • One of the following options:
      • An art portfolio that includes 3-5 images of creative work that can span a full range of artistic mediums, including but not limited to, sculpture, installation, painting, drawing, animation, performance, printmaking, photography, new media and multimedia approaches, with a brief description (title, media, dimensions, year of completion).
      • A conceptual description (max. 3 pages, single spaced) that details how you understand the program themes and your preliminary ideas for its artistic representation.

Note: Students should be in good academic standing and have declared a major, minor, or certificate in Studio Arts, Political Science, and/or Global Studies. Students graduating in Fall 2025 are eligible if they commit to attending the unveiling in January 2026.


If you have questions, please contact Prof. Horia M. Dijmǎrescu (Political Science) at dijmarescu@pitt.edu or Prof. Delanie Jenkins (Studio Arts) at djenkins@pitt.edu.