Test tubes full of paint, loosely woven fibers under a microscope, petri dishes full of graphite...
We do research differently.
Creative inquiry leads us to investigate the processes and products of our art-making, putting reflective and expressive practices into conversation with the world around us.
This collaborative artist-in-residence program, invites SA majors, minors, and GSWS scholars to develop creative work, exploring topics in Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies.
Each Fall term, the Department of Physics and Astronomy invites proposals for Artist-in-Residence projects that respond to Physics and Astronomy research from creative visual arts and music composition perspectives.
The Department of Political Science and the Global Studies Center announce a new artist-in-residence program for students to explore cross-cutting themes in arts and political science through the theme "Global Appalachia."
Featuring nearly 100 works by 19 different artists, including Melissa Catanese, with multiple museum premieres, Widening the Lens: Photography, Ecology, and the Contemporary Landscape invites you to reconsider your relationship to the environment and understand how photography helps envision alternative paths forward. Exhibition will run through January 12, 2025.
Curated by Nina Friedman, Director at Tomayko Foundation, Tracing an Outline Around a Man's Shadow is a group exhibition of works that explore shadows, cast light, color, and negative space. Six artists, including Michael Morrill, working across entirely different mediums and thematic concepts come together, playfully casting shadows, capturing darkness, and employing materials that diffuse light in unique cascades and hues. Exhibition closes on September 13, 2024.
Sean P. Morrissey and Loring Taoka will open their two-person exhibition, SUPERNATURAL, at Union Hall in Pittsburgh, PA. on September 5, 2024. The exhibition explores how both artists come to terms with identity-making and the markers of the individual within social systems. Their differing visual languages—Morrissey relying on architectural elements, Taoka using geometric patterns—allow both artists to engage with and rearrange everyday imagery to pose questions about the self. The exhibition closes November 29, 2024.
Acknowledging the contact with and impact of ideas and methods, individuals and communities, and time and circumstance, Changes With Exposure presents a selection of creative work from graduating Studio Arts majors. April 5-27, 2024
This annual exhibition presents and celebrates the creative work of graduating majors in the Department of Studio Arts, as well as exceptional works selected by faculty from students in department courses, majors and non-majors alike. March 31–April 29, 2023
The Studio Arts exhibition XIII is a significant event within the life of the department; it is a celebration of the accomplishments of the 13 seniors who will graduate in May, August and December of this year. April 1–30, 2022.