Scott Turri’s animation Isthmus was selected by UNDER_the_RADAR XI, an annual festival and interdisciplinary conference for artistic film, animation, experimental sequential media, and media art, and connected or related fields of research and production.
Held for the 11th time in Vienna, Austria, UNDER_the_RADAR XI is organized as a cooperation between and ASIFA Austria.
Scott Turri | 08:05 min | 2020| US
Radar Vienna INTERNATIONAL Award
Feel the pull of slow-moving luxurious waves attracted to one another by an unknown magnetic force. The two sides shimmying towards an invisible barrier. Eventually succumbing to the attraction, the sides touch, and kiss, immersing themselves in one another. Merging as one, peaceful and at rest only to languidly begin the dance anew. The hypnotic trance lulls you back to the void. The dimmed, pulsing circular lights and the tolling bells signaling sinister harbingers of change or vague telepathic memories… we know not.
To learn more about the event and the animation, please visit UNDER_the_RADAR XI's website.